E- Zine - February 2003


Tips to Outclass Your Competition - I choose Paris for dinner.
Paris is my choice for a nice dinner. What do you think? I was recently invited to dinner. Right after I accepted, I was asked where I would like to go. I answered "Paris" and he responded, "Well, I was thinking more like Sonic two-for-one night." The first half of the story is true, but I admit to embellishing the second half to make a point. Point being, the BURDEN OF CHOICE BELONGS TO THE HOST. When inviting someone to dinner either professionally or socially, you choose the restaurant. You don't want to put your guest in an uncomfortable position.

One of my clients recently told me of an experience they had when visiting a customer in New York City. The Oklahoma Company went prepared to show the New Yorkers how down home friendly they were. The New York Company wanted to present New York's finest and made reservations for dinner at an upscale restaurant. Oklahoma Company showed up at the restaurant in casual clothing. Big problem. The restaurant required coat and tie. Obviously, there was a failure to communicate and neither company did their homework. Embarrassing moments and discomfort ruined the evening for everyone.

All of this could have been avoided if both companies knew the rules of being a host or guest. This BURDEN OF CHOICE tip is just one of the hundreds of tips I teach in my "Outclass the Competition" seminar. Knowing these little things puts you and your customers at ease and allows business deals to "transpire instead of expire."

Improve your corporate image; improve your customer satisfaction; improve your sales; improve your bottom line. Call 405-341-3216 today.

Customer Service Techniques - Do referrals help or hurt your business?

Last summer I did some remodeling in my home. I decided to get estimates from two highly recommended companies. I called to set up appointments for estimates. "Company A" came and said I would have an estimate within a day or two. The estimate was faxed to me the next morning. "Company B" came and also told me I would have the estimate in a day or two. After three days, I still did not have an estimate. I called "Company B" and the person answering the phone told me "she is out of the office sick" and we are running behind in our estimates. I waited a few more days and called "Company B" again. I was told "she is sick AGAIN " but they would get me the estimate the next day. I didn't know who SHE was - nor did I care. And your customers don't either. They don't need to know any "inside" issues. Customers want your service or products, and they want them NOW.

Several days later - "SHE" called and left a casual message telling me the estimate was in the mail. Too late! By that time, I had called "Company A" and asked them to do the work. "Company A" told me that "Company B" could probably get to me sooner because they were not as busy as "Company A." Dah!!!!!!!! Both of these companies were reputable, but I choose Company A because of the "front line" service. If they couldn't get their act together at the front line, what else could I expect to go wrong?

Guess who I recommend when my friends came to my home and saw the improvement? And guess who gets even more business? Not only did "Company B" loose my business, they lost potential referrals.

Is your company an "A" company or a "B" company? If you are not sure, you may be loosing business. Let me train your front line customer service reps into "A" teams so you can win the customer. If your customer service employees aren't making a strong, favorable impression on your customers, there's no way you can count on customer loyalty, referrals … or revenue.

Visit my website at www.protocolplus.net/seminar/smallbus.html. to see how I can help you with my Customer Service Techniques Program. Don't lose another customer because your front line people or sales team unconsciously sabotages your sales efforts with rude behavior - "Outservice, Outclass, and Outsell your Competition."

The Coach's Corner - How Coaching can help you.
Helping someone find direction in life is not simply a matter of having the right answers. You can accomplish a lot with the right questions.

A recovering addict found herself at a bus stop, reading the want ads. She was off drugs and needed to take the next step - but what was it? In despair, she watched as a car pulled up. An elderly man asked her if she wanted a ride. Without thinking, she accepted and when he asked where she wanted to go, she said she didn't know. But instead of a come-on, the driver asked another questions: "If you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?"

She blurted out her longtime dream to go back to school. The man drove her directly to the local community college and left without mentioning his name. Two years later, the woman completed one degree and began another. Someone had taken the lead and asked the right question."

Adapted from More Random Acts of Kindness - Conari Press

This is what I do as your coach. I ask powerful questions to help you discover the real heart of the matter. We explore together for greater creativity and insight. We talk about what you want and how you plan to get there. I do not have the answers, you do. My job is to help you find you own answers.

If you want to make significant changes in your life, hire me as your coach. Our coaching relationship is powerful, and when the going gets tough we stay in collaboration and work through to the other side. As your coach, you have my word that I am 100% committed to you being powerful, successful and to having the life you want.

Quotes of the Month - Go for the Gold.
"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp - or what's a heaven for?"
--- Robert Browning

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you."

--- Jim Rohn

Ask the Expert - What should I say to someone who is grieving?

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