Looking for a Masterful Proficiency and/or Mentor Coach?

Gloria Auth is an early adopter of CoachVille, the SOC, and IAC. Gloria began her studies of the CoachVille Coaching System under the "The Father of Coaching" - Thomas J. Leonard, and continues to study, teach, and live the Five 15's - the legacy of Thomas.

What can great coaching do for you?
Coaching with Gloria will help you tip the scale in your favor as you learn the "Rules of the Game" - from the boardroom table to the dining room table. Confidence, poise, and polish will replace fear, dread, and anxiety to make your first impression a lasting impression - and not a last impression. Gloria will help you avoid embarrassing blunders by knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Coaching with Gloria will take you to the top of your game with confidence in meeting, greeting, wining, and dining with anyone, anytime, anywhere - and have fun doing it!

What kind of goals?
  • To become CoachVille or IAC Certified
  • To make the best first impression you can
  • To have confidence in business and social settings
  • To polish social skills to move up the corporate ladder
  • To change careers and maximize interviewing strengths
  • To learn the rules for success in the International Arena
Private Coaching with Gloria
  • Three 45- minute telephone sessions per month
  • Between-session triumph and tragedy calls
  • Unlimited e-mail support
  • $300 per month for above
  • Private personal training for life skills ($150 per hour)
  • Other options to meet your needs
What other qualifications does Gloria have?
  • Gloria is a certified ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach)
  • Gloria is CV Certified.
  • Gloria is an IAC - Certified Coach.
  • Gloria has been trained by the Graduate School of Coaching, the SOC and CTI
  • Gloria is a Certified International Protocol and Corporate Etiquette Consultant and Graduate of the Protocol School of Washington.
  • Gloria has an MBA and served as the Director of the MBA Program at the University of Central Oklahoma.
  • Free monthly e-Zine and resources at www.protocolplus.net .
Learn about the Etiquette/Coaching Package that Gloria has available.

Business and Life Coach

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